Email Marketing Workshop
Our inaugural Email Marketing Workshop takes place in Sydney and will be held on Monday May 30th at the SMC Conference & Function Centre.
Whilst email marketing is not directly tied to search marketing we feel that it is one of the most neglected conference topics in Australia and have taken the opportunity to rectify this.
What You’ll Learn
Like all of the events associated with Search Marketing Summit you will learn from Best-of-breed Professionals on the evolving and ever expanding role of email marketing.
- Peer-to-Peer Learning – There will be no vendor sales pitches from the stage, just successful marketers sharing proven results.
- Develop new techniques to grow your list, increase ROI, improve deliverability, generate winning test ideas, cut costs and more
- Dual B2B and B2C learning tracks offered to meet your specific needs
At any event produced by Search Marketing Summit you won’t hear any sales pitches from the podium. Speakers at our Workshops are just like you – marketers responsible for leading their companies’ email programs.
Vital Information
- Where: SMC Conference & Funstion Centre
- When: Friday, June 3rd, 2016
- How long: Half day, 9am - 12:45pm
- How Much: Only $895 + GST
- PDF's of All presentations from the morning
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Optional Networking drinks at 5pm